Monday, November 19, 2007

The Global Warming saga

The hunter would be hunted then
When nature would be at its furious worst,
The darkness glooming large over mankind
With water everywhere and men dying of thirst

The Seas would rise to abominable proportions
Taking the Land and the lives within,
Nowhere to live and nowhere to die
The earth that day would not be seen

Forget not the species on the way we would lose
Forget not the forests and greens destroyed,
Tornadoes Tsunamis Hurricanes and floods
Would not spare the humans for the wreck that was caused

Today; glaciers are melting temperatures are rising
As we continue to kill ourselves in our merry way,
The future we see not the warnings we hear not
As the signs of Global Warming in front of us lay

Every Human has a work to do
Every soul a duty to perform,
For we have chance to bring about a change
And save the mankind from this deadly pogrom

The dawn today brings a lease of life
The nature still at its magnificent best,
Let us resolve this day to mend out ways
Works towards a better tomorrow and till that not
take a rest