Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I got fixed

I am left to wonder; did this just happen or I conjured up a fantasy;

For it was just a few months ago, the assent was taken for my candidacy.

Questions were asked and the recipe defined,

Arranged it would be for me, for I did not have a love life of any kind.

Indian way is for arrangement of souls to love for life,

Elders get a vote and aspirants get to decide.

Bio datas were looked up and photos scrutinized,

I too was under review and every movement of mine analyzed.

Qualifications asked and salary details were requested,

My hobbies and aspirations were threadbare dissected.

Someone I didnt approve some my family declined,

Lets take it easy there is no rush, was all that I whined.

Then it happenned and the sequence is still a haze,

Did I first say yes or the other way round was the case

We talked for a little while and doubts were clarified,

She wanted to work and I wanted my family to be satisfied.

Religious she claimed she is, gorgeous I certified,

We want our life partners to be our friends we specified.

The saga still unfolds and I will keep you updated

The dates I am told are still to be decided.

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